Well, once again it looks like Dorothy, Joey, and Cristin are all on that same track. Thanks to the 3 of them the Doc is about to be nailed to the wall for his involvement in Shannan’s death. And they will be heroes. They were right all along. Of course this is not what I hear, but let’s wait and see before making any rash statements.

I’d like to see everyone who claims to know what happened to Shannan put under oath and asked about their activities on that early May morning. I urge all of Oak Beach neighbors to come forward with ANYTHING they may know. Let’s find out once and for all if Joey or the Doc had anything to do with Shannan’s death.

I also would add, that if Joey and his crew are wrong, and nothing comes out of this lawsuit, then I suggest Mari sue Joey Scalise Jr. for something, I’m not a lawyer, but something to do with evidence tampering or something. I mean if the Doc is looked at because of his phone call and the idea that he said to a reporter that he saw Shannan “running away distressed” (which I have yet to see. Some did say they saw Shannan running away distressed, so there may be some misinformation or confusion here, but if there is proof the Doc said he saw Shannan that night, then yes that would be more lies the Doc is caught in and is probably hiding something, but again I have not seen it, which doesn’t matter as long as the proper people do), well then Joey’s telling of where Shannan’s stuff would be found, or where Shannan’s body would be found, or the numerous statements he has made on Cristin’s blog and as other screen names alone, is reasons enough to have Joey put up under a microscope of the media and LE. Put Cristin and Jen up on the stand and make them tell their story under oath, I’d like to hear it. Use this blog as exhibit A.  And then get and MM7’s “Catching LISK” blog as exhibit B and C.

All I’m saying is, if The Doc comes out of this lawsuit and nothing more is learned from it, then it is time to take a look at Joey and all those involved in feeding information to Mari and J.R . that is wrong (if the case so proves this). Their activities seem just as suspicious as any one else in this case.