
DPH Sighting


It seems like Dorothy’s latest comments, ones I have posted here are gone. There are still plenty more though.  And they are out there for anyone to read!

It has come to my attention that DPH might have filed a Police & FBI complaint against me today. Really? Dorothy once sent me an email telling me the FBI was looking at my blog. This led me to contacting LE myself. No one I talked to or left messages with contacted me back. I let them know all my info and all about my blog. So now if she wishes to report me for something, add me to her list, so be it. LE needs to get to the bottom of her involvement in all of this. What, if anything, does she really know. Then again, maybe LE has her all figured out.

Either way, I will continue to post anything I read from her that seems harmful or helpful. Although that can be hard to tell which is which sometimes. See for yourself:


So much going on in Dorothy’s comments. Comments with names and accusations. Comments linking everyone. Comments that are out there for everyone to see. I like these ones because they mention Scalise. But I’ll leave you with one that takes it all to another level.


Cyber Stalkers and Bullies


If you look at all the blogs I put links to in my last post, I mean really look at them you will see where they all are taking the same story now and putting their own spin on it. Radionewz had an article posted by someone using the name Truthspider. Is this John or Brendan or maybe Joey? Who know’s at this point, but it is obvious to any long time reader of any of this, that the post was a common “misinformation/sensationalism/finger-pointing/promising everything delivering nothing type post”.

It warns Murt of MM7 and that  “she will expose your affiliation with Dr. Hackett, Oak Beach, Joe Brewer & Amber Lynn Costello & Kim Raffeo & Shannan Gilbert.” Now of course from here no connections are ever brought forward. But Radionewz does have several more articles announcing FBI might be looking into Murt “according to MM7”. This of course is somewhat corrected by MM7  that there is no report to FBI about Murt, just that she is being stalked by possibly CPH or a friend of his.  So is Murt connected to this Drone? To CPH? To MM7?  Radionewz does call itself a parody, so it is hard to tell if this is a place in search of truth or spoof. That being said I like the site, and it is fun to read, but they are definitely playing this a little.

Which brings in Anonymous. Connected to Radionewz and Murt through Op Michelle (if I’m wrong here, don’t come after me). Anonymous is an internet group known for “Truth Seeking” but they are also known for “Lolz Seeking”.  Again, like Radionewz, I like Anonymous, and can understand what they do, but it is a little up in the air when it comes to Murt and MM7 how much is search for truth and how much is search for entertainment. Once again this is connected by the very questionable Drone and the immediate chatter about it once the pic was first posted. But everything the trolls, sock-puppets, or proxies (the last one is the name I am giving to the ones posting on my blog) commented about was after the picture was up and anyone could have looked up info on it and started in with the screen names Drone Pilot etc. So when it comes to this Drone, it is once again a he said/she said thing and seems very unlikely. If there was anything to it, authorities should have done something about it by now. There did not seem to be a camera on it, and as far as phone tampering the two things have nothing to do with each other as far as I can tell. So it was a toy and may have nothing to do with stalking… until Murt comes into it. If it is his and a camera was involved and he is connected to CPH well that’s different. But it does not seem to be going that way.

So how did Murt get involved? Again a he said/she said story. Murt says he was sent a request from Anonymous  to check into the Drone. MM7 says she decided to go back to her Twitter account to see if anyone could give her info on the drone and Murt just decided to send her an e-mail. Well maybe the stories aren’t so different as they claim them to be. MM7 put it up on Twitter and Murt responded. According to one post I saw that MM7 had asked Michelle if any of her Anonymous friends could help with the whole DRONE thing. So this fits both of their stories, but still seems funny. At the very least Murt should be weary of sharing anonymous friends. Bottom line though,  why and how Murt got into all this is questionable, but I don’t think these 2 (MM7/Murt) came together by chance or luck.

So Michelle, Radio and others have been stalking Murt for years, acording to Murt. Though they claim he is the stalker. As well as now both sides claim the other might be covering something up in the Haleigh Cummings Case. (again, sound familiar?)

Two sides both with their own allies claiming the other of Cyberstalking/Cyberbullying . But this is going on for years, both sides obviously feeding the fire. Hmmm.

MM7 claims that her stalking had escalated to phone tampering, again something I hope if taken to the authorities they are looking into it. She also says Flukeyou is possibly being stalked and his phone bugged as well. No word from Fluke on this, so it is unclear if he has taken his possible phone bugging to the police. Because of his connections to Oak Beach and the LISK case I would think the police or FBI would definitely want to look into it. Now on the other side many say Flukeyou and/or MM7 use stalker methods for their own agendas. And others come straight out and call them stalkers as well. Who is stalking who? If the question has to be asked, then the answer is most likely, no one is being stalked, not truly. Because all sides here seem to be inviting the others to the dance. This probably explains the lack of any real police involvement. But it is distressing because cyberstalking and cyberbulling is serious and the nature of it is already so confusing and complex. Real harassment can be twisted not to look so.

Now the other side of this, which I admit I am very new to the back story, deals with some real cases as well. Including 2 cases in Ohio: The Steubenville Rape Case and the Jacob Limberios Case. It seems that both Michelle and Anonymous got involved here and helped with finding the truth, which I totally applaud. So maybe their involvement here can help… but let’s get to the TRUTH, the LULZ here are too easy.