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It’s no wonder people left the good fight at, Computer Viruses with their names on it, red tags on your screen name, when clicked reveal things about you??? And many of the commenters believing a serial killer might be reading, maybe even posting!!!

This site seemed like a scary place. But it was a place where things were being said about a case that was hard to get info about otherwise.

So what were the Red Tags? This is all that is really said about the Red Tags in the 200+ comments. But I will look and see if I can find more elsewhere. Finding existing pages on the internet on a site that is gone is not always easy, some searching needs to be done, and then you may still not find what you are looking for. But there is stuff to be found!

We can get a little bit of info on the red tags, it is mentioned that some people have different things at the bottom of the screen when you click them. And that some are different than others. I clicked on them myself and they did go somewhere. I’m not sure if they do exactly the same thing clicking on them now as they did then, but they seem to say the same thing by what the comments said about them then.

All but one of the screen names showed the same message:

LISK red highlight

The one red tagged screen name that did not lead me here was “be”, it led to an internet  provider that I now know very well and doesn’t mean much at this point.

But someone was trying to identify these screen names, or at least make others think so. A few screen names here that are called out as Neighbors of Dr. Hackett. Were they all neighbors of the Doc? I do not know that much about the screen names tagged red, other than Too Close none of them were around when I started reading at I know some of the commenters at were neighbors of the Doctor or lived in Oak Beach at one time or another. Were these some of them? And what about posting someone’s internet provider? Was the site’s admin involved? Or did someone else find a way to tag these screen names?

One screen name  is left off, that we all know should have been on any list of the Doc’s neighbors, and that’s Flukeyou. The red tags seem to be a little one-sided here. But I’m not gonna speculate on what might seem obvious to me, when I’m still not sure of who did the tagging and why. Any one else wanna chime in here?

Still a few comments to go in this “should the site stay or go” post. So much learned already. The comments are about to get into the viruses that some say were being passed around through links being posted in comments.  What the heck did people reading there back then think was going on?