
Where Do We Go From Here?


So I have read my fill at old LISK.com and reread some of the stuff from when I first got there earlier this year. I get it. Flukeyou pulled some people in and they shared screen names and misinformation. Remember early on we have Fieldnotes and Truthspider as well. The tree starts there, well somewhere Jen and Susie are there as well. (Remember Susie) All of these connect to Mari, some have met her and are helping her others are from Facebook and wanting to help. Who was there to actually help and who was there for other reasons I do not know for sure, but hindsight sure does help us see a few things.  I realize the fact that the phone call that was made to Mari from the doctor and his denial of it  plays a key role in all of this early on. And so does 48 hours, where a lot of us got the same story about the doctor. Before I ever came to LISK.com I was like who is this doctor and what does he know? And with LISK.com here is Fluke to put a personal touch on all the questions people had about the doc. And he had fake screen names and maybe a few of the already mentioned names to help spread his knowledge of the Doc and many other neighbors. And early on we have people, neighbors of Fluke and the Doc maybe, but definitely people with reason to doubt Flukes stories. And they start in trying to defluke him and also maybe figure out why he is saying some of the things he is. So here we have 2 sides of at least a few people using the sites lack of screen name security and a game begins.

Then there are the other readers here, having to figure out who is who and what their agenda is. Some of them pick sides. But the game gets really out there and many leave for different reasons. But the core remains, and when MM7 get’s  involved it really gets crazy. (I’m not sure how long DPH was involved or who put who in touch, but she was in there somewhere “helping”)

So MM7 has her reasons to think it’s the Doc long before her involvement with anyone I have mentioned above. So did I, as I mentioned above.

But watching 48 hours and reading news stories had quite a few people looking suspicious. The john, the driver, the doctor. Yes some suspicious people, how could they all be cleared? I, like many thought these things when we saw or read what was being said about this case. But after her getting involved with Flukeyou and working the case with Jen and Dorothy she knew 99.9% the doc was the killer, and because of that he was stalking her.

All very dramatic, but also very suspicious.

Some of the  gamers splinter, some question other’s motives. A lot of it comes to a head due to Joey not telling Cristin about his new baby? But this is just part of the onslaught of things  now being posted in the dying days of LISK.com.

The addition of PS149 on LISK.com helped speed this up, but Too Close had been there from the beginning trying to keep the madness Fluke and company were creating from spreading. And others like Linda were sick of the constant accusing of anyone who disagreed or found their connections questionable. My blog also came around, one more place for the show to continue. Most people just wanted the game to stop and the case to be brought back to being about the victims, the real ones not those who were victims of themselves. And I am still one of these people by the way.

There is also Websleuth, which because of my email address I can’t get an account there, I heard all the changes came there and made it much harder to become a member specifically because of  involvement of those I have mentioned above.

So back n forth it goes and it continues because the Doc is suspicious. It continues because Joey is just as suspicious. It continues because Dorothy is being used or is quite the wakko. (maybe both) It continues because Jen is either scared or sneaky. (I just can’t figure you out Jen) It continues because Cristin is either scared, played, or quite diabolical. (just my opinion, still not for sure which one applies, maybe a combo of all three)

It continues because none of the information, Joey, Cristin, Dorothy, Jen, or anyone else that was part of the games ever proved anything to anyone. It continues because you all connected and Mari at least must think one of you is hiding something or knows something, I will not speak for her, but if I was her I would be questioning all of you.

This is what I know and I doubt anyone will change my thoughts on any of this. There is still much I don’t know. There is still all the crazy screen names which is a lot more difficult to understand. And I know what I have wrote is just a general idea of what went on. I mean there is a lot more to Fieldnotes involvement in all this and when he tried to back away from it he became a child molester and a LISK suspect, so getting his side of this would be helpful, but it’s understandable why he doesn’t want any part of this any more. I don’t know much about the original Truthspider, Brenden right? Is he still involved in this somewhere? I remember cryptic posts about lifeguards and Fluke and Spider being friends.  Still so much cryptic stuff out there, which is startling when you put it up against the ongoing case and the cryptic parts of it.

Was an Oak Beach resident involved in any of murders? If so was it someone posting on LISK.com? We won’t know these answers till the case is solved. But Joey sure convinced a few people that there is something to doc putting himself into the middle of the case, unfortunately or maybe fortunately doing so also put him questionably “in the middle of the case”.

But where do I go from here with this blog?

I will post the remaining 200+ comments for those interested in reading the rest of them, though other then some virus talk, it’s a lot of the same thing. There are a few other posts with comments that I might put up here, again for those interested in reading them.

But really from here the only place to go is to continue focusing on those I know were involved here and I believe could be a little more light shedding if they wanted to be. We know who they all are, I can’t keep going over and over the things they want to keep circling around, I need to help push forward.

So let’s all enjoy our Thanksgiving and then I’ll focus in on Joey and his gang.

For What It’s Worth


Before I go on I feel I must make some things understood so that they won’t be misunderstood. Though that may happen any way.

My name is zero and I live in Las Vegas, Nv. Was born and raised in California. I continue this blog because I feel that there was something wrong done by a group of people who have confused the real case of Shannan Gilbert. And whether you believe her death is connected to the others found of Gilgo Beach or not I’m sure you would agree that anything that corrupts one case corrupts them all, I mean even without LISK.com and all the games that came out of it, these cases are confusing and full of questions.

So when I came to LISK.com and MM7’s blog “Catching LISK”, and saw all of this, I felt someone needed to show them what it looked like to an outsider. I immediately got emails and strange comments on the blog. Some people I have proven they are or aren’t who they claim to be, but many others could be anyone.

I believe Flukeyou is Joey Scalice Jr. and this has pretty much been proven to every one by now, but I have yet to talk to him in any way and still unsure if any of the Flukeyou’s commenting on my blog is him.

I believe MM7 is who she was said to be and says she is. Meaning the MM7 posting on my blog is the same one from LISK.com and who created “Catching LISK”.

I believe Jen is who she says she is and also the commenter on my blog under the screen name “jjj”. She may also have wrote on LISK.com as “jj” but she says most of those comments were not her’s but someone using her screen name.

I believe Too Close To Home is who they say they are and the same one who wrote as “Too Close To Home” on LISK.com.

I believe Linda is who she says she is and the same “Linda” who commented on LISK.com.

I believe MDRice is who they say they are and the same “MDRice” who wrote on LISK.com

I believe Fascinated is who they say they are and the same “Fascinated” who wrote on LISK.com

I believe Cheryl is the same one who posted as “Cheryl” and “Cheryl#1” on LISK.com. She has never told me who she is but I believe she had a lot of good insights on who was who on LISK.com  (a few others did as well)

I believe DPH is who she says she is and has a few screen names on my blog. Don’t know if she ever posted on LISK.com but she has a lot to say on Facebook pages dedicated to the victims. Other than that I don’t know what to believe about her.

When a screen name from LISK.com first comes here to my blog, I do my best to make sure they are the same screen name and not someone playing games. The ones I have mentioned are the only ones I am sure of.

This being said, my sources are limited and so is the time I can put into this. Which I feel is still a lot, but maybe not enough to be as quick or as accurate as some of this may need.

And even if I was 100% sure who was who, their true agendas are still unsure to me. I think I get some of what some of you are doing, but nothing is for sure in my mind other than the fact that some really messed up stuff happened here.

I am still here, because of what I have read  in sites, IMs, posts, comments, and emails. I am here because I feel something is wrong and people are being dishonest. I am here because it all seems to be messing with others who do not need this kind of BS disturbing what is already hard enough for them.

I’m here because I feel there is truth to be found in all of this. I may never have it all, and it may not help any of the cases, or the people involved.

But If I do get some truth (which I have gotten to some, right?) and if it does help the cases or people involved (and I truly hope it does) then it will have been worth it.

Bottom line is I am trying to understand all of this. I’m not on anyone’s side but the truth. And if it doesn’t fit your understandings or agendas, if it seems pointless or questionable to you, I’m sorry.


200+ Comments: The Red Tags


LISK 2001LISK 2002LISk 2003LISK 2004 LISK 2005LISK 2006LISK 2007LISK 2008LISK 2009LISK 20010LISK 20011LISK 20012

It’s no wonder people left the good fight at LISK.com, Computer Viruses with their names on it, red tags on your screen name, when clicked reveal things about you??? And many of the commenters believing a serial killer might be reading, maybe even posting!!!

This site seemed like a scary place. But it was a place where things were being said about a case that was hard to get info about otherwise.

So what were the Red Tags? This is all that is really said about the Red Tags in the 200+ comments. But I will look and see if I can find more elsewhere. Finding existing pages on the internet on a site that is gone is not always easy, some searching needs to be done, and then you may still not find what you are looking for. But there is stuff to be found!

We can get a little bit of info on the red tags, it is mentioned that some people have different things at the bottom of the screen when you click them. And that some are different than others. I clicked on them myself and they did go somewhere. I’m not sure if they do exactly the same thing clicking on them now as they did then, but they seem to say the same thing by what the comments said about them then.

All but one of the screen names showed the same message:

LISK red highlight

The one red tagged screen name that did not lead me here was “be”, it led to an internet  provider that I now know very well and doesn’t mean much at this point.


But someone was trying to identify these screen names, or at least make others think so. A few screen names here that are called out as Neighbors of Dr. Hackett. Were they all neighbors of the Doc? I do not know that much about the screen names tagged red, other than Too Close none of them were around when I started reading at LISK.com. I know some of the commenters at LISK.com were neighbors of the Doctor or lived in Oak Beach at one time or another. Were these some of them? And what about posting someone’s internet provider? Was the site’s admin involved? Or did someone else find a way to tag these screen names?

One screen name  is left off, that we all know should have been on any list of the Doc’s neighbors, and that’s Flukeyou. The red tags seem to be a little one-sided here. But I’m not gonna speculate on what might seem obvious to me, when I’m still not sure of who did the tagging and why. Any one else wanna chime in here?

Still a few comments to go in this “should the site stay or go” post. So much learned already. The comments are about to get into the viruses that some say were being passed around through links being posted in comments.  What the heck did people reading there back then think was going on?

More Of the 200+ Comments


LISK 200c 1LISK 200c 2LISK 200c 3LISK 200c 4LISK 200c 5LISK 200c 6LISK 200c 7LISK 200c 8LISK 200c 9LISK 200c 10LISK 200c 11LISK 200c 12LISK 200c 13LISK 200c 14LISK 200c 15LISK 200c 16LISK 200c 17LISK 200c 18LISK 200c 19LISK 200c 20LISK 200c 21LISK 200c 22

Sorry this is taking so long, but there is a lot to snip and post. Well that Deee was longer winded than me. LOL. So many accusing other screen names of being fake. And let’s face it, there are quite a few of them that were. I can spot some of them, how ’bout you? So many good ideas offered to the sites admin also. Too bad they didn’t take any of it. But I believe they were getting exactly what they wanted out of LISK.com.

There’s quite a bit that can be learned from these 200+ comments. So make sure you study them all. I have to take a break and get started on my week, so I’ll leave ya with the next few. More from Flukeyou. And now that he’s commenting on the thread (at least under this screen name) you can bet the comments will heat up.

LISK 200c 23

LISK.com Summer of 2011 Part 1


May and June sees many new posts and comments on LISK.com. Games are already afoot. By the end of June many of our regulars are established.  Flukeyou, Cheryl, Too Close To Home were all there by then. And some of the regulars who didn’t last till LISK.com’s demise in February of 2013 like Barnaby Jones, The Nasty, Jim Jones, BS, and Fascinated were also there. Now I had never read comments from Fascinated, but they were the last comment at Anonymous in my last blog and I have seen  a few comments from them now. This one show’s you just how early all of this started:

Flukeyou 2

It’s all right there isn’t it. My question is, how did it go on so long? I mean it was all laid out from the beginning. Ahh, through “sock puppets“, connections behind the scenes, involvement with victim’s families, and knowledge from the neighborhood. There were other places too that helped keep it all circling. Places like WS and MM7’s blog where more anonymous  screen names could come in spin their tale. All these things kept this game going and more people connecting and taking sides but really just mucking things up. Again some would include my blog in there.

But my blog is still here. For any one to read and see for themselves. And although I’m sure everyone has their own reasons for deleting everything and I would do the same if I thought it would help end the games and real answers could be sought after. But what was done went on for years and just deleting it all seems too easy. I still see it as erasing information, because there was stuff in there. And with it all gone it makes it easier for people to not admit what they wrote or to say it was something else. Looking through the comments to see what was said can still be done here.

And as you see parts of these other sites also remain. That’s the great thing about the internet, once you put it out there it is everywhere and not easily removed.

The site longislandserialkiller.com comes right back to the neighbors of Oak Beach, right back to the place and people where Shannan Gilbert was last seen. It then goes on to engulf everyone involved or who looks deep enough into the case.

DPH called this Good vs. Evil and that maybe true, but who are the Good ones? Who really wants to help solve this case? Is this a neighbor dispute or a search for a killer? You can use these outlets as a tool to get answers or to get revenge on those who wronged you. You can make this about you or you can make it about the truth.

At this point games and agendas are not helping, only truth can help.

The Problems With Writing This Blog


The 3 main problems with writing this blog were always:

#1. This is a real ongoing unsolved case, which means there are family and friends of the victims that are still hoping and looking for answers and don’t need more people who do not have them putting their 2 cents in. This also means LE are still actively looking into this and related cases and also don’t need more Google Detectives mucking up investigations and wasting time. I’ve done my best to treat this as the most important part of this blog, not getting into the case, but it has not been easy.

#2. Those who post comments with questionable TMI. With so many comments including things about people (some of which I am not even sure these people exist. For example I don’t know Dorothy’s Husband’s ex-wife. How could I know if such a person is real.) So what to allow in comments is hard, I have quite a bit I took off or didn’t allow.

#3 How fast everything changes. If you read this from the beginning, you know that many blogs changed or were removed, ideas for posta changed long before I could finish them or in some cases even start them. When I first started thinking for names for the blog I thought it was going to be to expose a group of people playing games with a house wife sleuther in Florida or maybe even a serial killer stalking her. But with the arrival of PS149, and the back n forths that came on LISK.com leading up to it being removed told me my blog would not be what I thought it would be. And these things kept happening through out writing this blog making it very unpredictable and very time-consuming. I did my best to read all blogs and comments related which became harder each day since they were being removed so often. Yes changes all around made it very difficult to keep up and keep things straight.  This also meant that important issues never even got brought up. And back in the beginning when people and posts started disappearing stated I went back and read as much old posts I could find on LISK.com. In these early readings there was familiar screen names like Flukeyou, Too Close Too Home, MDRice, Wanda, Cheryl, and a few others, and screen names I had heard mentioned in comments, like Truthspider , Jury Box, Barnaby Jones, Jim Jones (2 Jones) etc. And the more I read back the more things changed on my take of what was happening.

So although these 3 problems will I’m sure continue to make writing this blog difficult and time-consuming, I feel it is not finished and at least some answers might be there if we take another look and a few of you decide to start REALLY helping get to the truth.

From the beginning I felt something strange and diabolical might be going on in the posts and comment on LISK.com. And I had only been reading there for a couple months before it was removed.

Those reading and commenting for years knew it was much more than some online sleuthers arguing over what they think happened in a case they read about. People commenting here knew things. And behind the scenes people were sharing information and misinformation. Teams were being picked. That may be a little too black n white, but there was definitely a Flukeyou vs. CPH feel from quite early in the readings and people definitely were dividing into camps.

It is questionable if CPH has ever been involved in any comments or posts on LISK.com or any other related site or blog, but some believe he has been, or at least say they do.  As for Flukeyou, he posted quite a bit. and I think it’s safe to say everyone knows Flukeyou is Joe Scalice Jr. and it is also safe to say everyone knows the many different reasons for the Scalices to hold grudges against their neighbors and/or former neighbors.

This last paragraph speaks volumes if you are listening.

But again it may be to black n white. I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but there seems to be more going on here then an old grudge. And more than just Jr. commenting on LISK.com.

So shall we take a look… a real good look at LISK.com before we get into its commenters.

Too Close To Home


its ok for brendan to call me a twit. its ok for fluke to accuse his neighbors falsely. if i point out a lie – I am argumentive.

it is MY OPINION that flukeyou is – at the very least – involved in this case. MY OPINION that FLUKEYOU is deliberately misleading readers. that is not an attack – it is my opinion.

i would still like to hear ONE THING that i was wrong about. and a shred of evidence to support any of the claims that flukeyou has stated as FACT.

but this will most likely be deleted.

too close to home on March 6th, 2012 at 7:56 am

Too Close To Home strongly disagreed with Flukeyou, and the two of them would argue back and forth through comments, Flukeyou commenting on his belief the Doc was guilty and Too Close commenting that Fluke was trying to frame the Doc.  So who was this Too Close To Home who had his own inside info and was coming after the Fluke? Flukeyou had some ideas:

To close to “canning”

Flukeyou on June 28th, 2011 at 8:04 pm

This seems to imply that Flukeyou thinks Too Close might be one of his neighbors he has placed at the Brewer house in earlier comments. But Too Close say’s no:

flukyou – nope…is paranoia setting in yet?

I do not live at OB, although it was my stomping grounds of yesteryear. I have met some of the people that flukyou has mentioned , but do not “know” them. I still have some ties to the community and know the basic geographical layout, however, some houses are newer, so some minor changes. I have been reading this site for a long time: my only goal to help in anyway to catch this creep. I only post if I know a fact to be true..or to answer any questions that I can. I know that there are a few intelligent minds here.. the vector control ditches were not excavated until March and the one that flukyou speaks of near the Dr.s house was done in May. they were done becasue they were inaccessible – you couldn’t get to them to treat them for mosquito population. The video cameras are on a loop that tapes over itself. there is ONE shed, located in a small park behind the mailboxes. it doesn’t have a lock and is used to store seasonal decorations and some basketballs, etc.. stuff for the park. everyone has access to it. flukyou has a better knowledge because he lives there – but – definately is manipulating truths…and that is making me look a lot harder at him..there are more reasons to look at him, and im hoping LE picks up on it..dont want to say too much because if LE is on at least one toe (doubtful) they will..

too close to home on June 29th, 2011 at 8:22 am

And what else did Too Close have to say:

omg! I just thought of something…flukyou grew up at OB and West Islip..attended W.Islip schools. JB grew up in W. Islip – same age group(40′s) – flukyou was a mate at captree in his 20′s… worked in the city… but the bigger question, the one that s got my wheels turning.. is WHY? WHY take truths and weave tales.. why point so many fingers? why all of a sudden? where was flukyou for the last 13months if he knew so much? and why did we not hear of him getting that reward money?

too close to home on June 29th, 2011 at 8:37 am

Too Close had an eye on Fluke and at one point seemed to have caught him in “Sock Puppetry“. On Feb. 8th of 2012 Flukeyou posted 2 comments in a row, in a post made by JENNY:


just another post to say f#$% the poster calling themself Brendan with a capital B, they aren’t me. I have followed what you have said and watched since May how many of the things you stated about this case later become public knowledge. This makes you credible, unlike the others in this wasteland of garbage information.

Flukeyou on February 8th, 2012 at 7:46 pm


I stand behind Fluke all the way. 2c2h really seems to be hiding something and every time Flukeyou points this out he goes nuts! Stay strong Fluke.

Salty is right on —- 2 close has a lot of info that he’s not sharing with LE in order to protect his gang buddies

Flukeyou on February 8th, 2012 at 7:56 pm

Too Close To Home saw these and thought they caught Fluke forgetting to change his Screen Name before sending these comments to himself:


just another post to say f#$% the poster calling themself Brendan with a capital B, they aren’t me. I have followed what you have said and watched since May how many of the things you stated about this case later become public knowledge. This makes you credible, unlike the others in this wasteland of garbage information.

Flukeyou on February 8th, 2012 at 7:46 pm

look – fluke forgot to change his name when commenting to himself. not the first time.

too close to home on March 1st, 2012 at 11:22 am

Too Close reposted Fluke’s comment to show everyone. And I have to admit it looks to me like someone pretending to be someone eles talking to him. This seems to be a perfect example of a Sock Puppet… so who was this comment suppose to be from?

Brendan would soon after reply to Too Close:

@too close, that was fluke retweeting my post to him, we are not the same, smh twit

brendan on March 2nd, 2012 at 7:47 am

A good explanation, but I’m not sure I buy it, and I’m pretty sure Too Close didn’t ither. For one, Flukeyou never says in the comments “this is a tweet from Brendan” or anything like that to explain his posted comments, and I would think he would have wanted to state that he was posting something tweeted to him, if only to stop such confusion. Is it me or did we just find at least one of these Sock Puppets? Was and is Truthspider and Flukeyou one and the same? Well TruthSpider was already known to be Brendan Murphy, an amateur detective from Long Island who had been interviewed for an article in GQ Magazine, but Too Close and others would hint at Flukeyou being someone else. An Oak Beach resident named Joey Scalise. So if Flukeyou was Truthspider who were they? Brendan or Joey?