
My Opinion


As this blog comes to an end, what are we left with? Basically just my opinion on some people who went from sleuthing to slandering. At times that opinion has changed. And even though I got lots of info from articles and people’s emails and comments, it still just boils down to “My Opinion”. Half the stuff people told me, others said just the opposite, so I had to decide what to believe and what not to belive. Some may value my opinion on some of this, some may not, but for what ever reason you came here to read my opinion and I gave it.

Like I said, it changed a little at times, but when I go back and reread what I have written I think most of it holds true to the same basic belief. What is that belief? That several people were involved in some sort of game with the LISK case. That some of them did it to gain some kind of attention in the limelight. Others played back, some with good intentions, some probably not so good. At the core of some of these people is a feeling that they were wronged in life, Joey, by his neighbors who tried to out him and his family from the Oak Beach community, Nancy and Dorothy, by their ex husbands and the legal system, you get the idea. So they used this tragedy to get even and to get noticed.

Again, this is just my opinion after looking into all of you over the past year, just like some of you have looked into me and formed opinions as well. Which is fine, and if anyone cares to hear about your opinions on me, by all means tell them. Hell, write a blog about it. But remember, I wrote this blog because I felt it was wrong for people to use this tragedy for their own agendas and games, and I think most who read here would agree with that.

I have said over and over that it was not my intention to sleuth the case, but my opinions on the case can still be seen throughout this blog. Again though, just opinions. I’m not LE. I do not have the info that they have. I don’t even have the info most of you have.

Still I did not just jump in line with anything anyone was throwing out there or trying to lead me to along the way. I just kept reading and well, writing. This made some of you not like me to much at certain times (like if I didn’t agree with the proper agenda) and other times I was a hero! Truth is I was just giving my opinion on what I witnessed. On what I read. On what I saw. On what I thought.

I wish I could just post every email correspondence I have with everyone, it would then be a lot easier to not only understand my opinion, but maybe see how I came to some of it. But that just isn’t possible. I understand why some would not want me to post their emails or bring their names into this. Some are just LISK.com readers… others, well you know who you are and what we have talked about and most of you have told me  a lot of my opinions are spot on. Would I love to post those emails? Of course I would, and since some of you love saying I put all my emails up on the blog, I sometimes think I should.

Don’t get nervous, I’m not doing it. But again, those I have talked to know what we have talked about.

There is still plenty of other things I can post here, to show why I have the opinions I do about all of this. Some of this stuff you may have already seen or read, most of it was given to me by one of you, the readers and the subjects of this blog. Pretty much the same demographics, right?

Let’s start with the newest link I was given. It’s the YouTube interviews with Richard Dormer. There are quite a few of them but I think they are worth watching. For those who strongly criticized LE as either dropping the ball on this case or covering things up, this may help show, as I believe, that LE is and has always taken this case very seriously and there for have looked into every lead and everyone possibly connected to this case. Or it may not change your view at all, but I still recommend watching all of them:








I just watched these yesterday, and there is stuff in here I wouldn’t mind discussing, pros and cons, so if anyone else who has watched them feels the same, let me know in the comments.

Of course most of what I wrote about took place on Longislandserialkiller.com. Here’s a couple threads to start with, but you can look around to see what you can find there. Since the site is down I could not find every post, but a lot is still there:



Here’s some things to watch and read if you have not yet:








And then there are the things I was sent or found because of leading comments on my blogs, I think most who read here understand how some of these screen names involved in this over the years love to post stuff to lead you places. Is any of it connected? Maybe. But again I’m sure LE looks into any connections brought up at this point. So I’m not about to make guesses on things I could not possibly know. Sorry if this list of links is long or mixed up. I have a lot of these and I’m not gonna post links to all of them, but here’s a taste:



















There is actually a lot more, but I think we’ll stop there. The last three links are suicides that I know some find questionable or possibly linked to the Gilgo Beach Murders. Again I have no information on things like this and can only read them and wonder myself.

Same goes for possible connection to other places like Atlantic City, Florida or New Mexico. Florida pops up again and again in things I have read. Some I have mentioned in this blog. Victims in the LISK case, bloggers, writers, POIs, etc. There are quite a few linked to all of this who live or have lived in Florida, but I have found nothing that actually connects Florida in any way but coincidence. But who knows? Until truth is known and the case is solved all possibilities are just that, possibilities. Another possibilty is a conection to the Atlantic City Murders. I didn’t know anything about the Atlantic City Murders tell I read about the Facebook pages that were made and seemed to connect them to the Gilgo Beach victims. Since then I have read quite a bit about the murders in Atlantic City, and until both cases are solved I guess it will continue to be, as many believe, possibly connected.










And what about New Mexico?


There is so much out there so of course people will have opinions about what is connected and what isn’t.  I get that. We all get that, right? But what got me blogging my opinions, was that some people out there claimed to be working on more than opinion. Those of you who claim to know things, who write as if they are the victims and the heroes all in one, here is my final opinion for you. Your so-called knowledge should be questioned by everyone. The real connections are between those who passed around misinformation and played games with other people’s tragedies. And I think you know who those people are, in my opinion.

DPH Sighting


Spring to Summer 2014: a friend further south traced threatening posts on a blog re: Long Island serial killings to Centerreach, Blue Point and other locations within Suffolk County. We WILL find out who was there at Joseph (“Rosy”) Brewer’s invite-only party in Oak Beach from April 30, 2010 to May 1, 2010. One guy (married, with three children) posted “Good times”. Shannan sends her strength from above in Heaven.

DPH Sighting


Well, well, well. We are fighting hard for Suffolk County Police Dept to release the content of Shannan Gilbert’s 22-minute call to 911 on May 1, 2010 (several FOIA requests) as my ex was there — is friends with Joseph Brewer who hosted the parties. Brewer lied to the Suffolk County Police who went back later 2010 to interview him. He was NOT home alone that night. I bet Jimmy Burke and Peter Tartaglia both know who was there. Let the FBI put Burke and Tartaglia on lie detector tests and bring in the experts.
These were not harmless “poker night” parties as my ex would tell the kids and me, but FAR MORE nefarious. Just look up snuff movies.  Shannan was brave to run, just as the other woman did years before that and also the woman who escaped in Atlantic City. The killer slashed her throat and SHE GOT AWAY. Wheels are turning.



I started a blog years ago on Myspace (Yes Myspace). I was not a blog reader, so I didn’t know much about it. I just felt I wanted to say somethings to the world and so I did. It was something I called my “Sunday Blog” .

It started out a lot like my current zero blog here on wordpress. In the few years I wrote it, the blog was really all over the place, eventually becoming  what I called a blography (which was my biography in blog form) But it didn’t last because:

A. My creative side is a big skitzo and can not focus on one thing for to long.

B. I started thinking the world and the way it treats each other was just the way they want it, who am I to try to change it.

And although A is still true and B is some times still true (though deep down we truly want to treat each other better, I hope) I had decided it was time to try to start my zero blog up again, but this time try to stay focused (ha!). But I still was not a blog reader so I had no idea how to even go about getting a blog account.

Meanwhile while looking up info in Shannan Gilbert and the Long Island Killer I came across LISK.com and MM7’s blog.  This led me to wordpress and since I was there I decided to get my new Zero Blog started.

When I started writing my blog I knew I wanted to blog about what I read on LISK.com and MM7’s blog, and I also knew it might become its own blog. So even before I started writing “Catfish & Serial Killers” on my other blog I created another blog called MM7 vs LISK. It was nothing but a title but it was there waiting.  What would it be about? How a sleuther was outed on LISK.com because of her beliefs in an open case, or how maybe the killer himself might be stalking her and leaving cryptic messages on her blog. Yes probably. But as I have said many times my understandings of what was going on here changed constantly. At the time I thought most everyone involved were outside the case and just fighting about opinions, so of course I didn’t understand why MM7’s belief that CPH was a killer caused so much obvious hateful comments.

I did not know about Joey Scalice Jr. And to be fair to this day although I have shared emails and im’s with quite a few people, I have not with JS/Fluke. I sent him one message but never heard back from him. So what I know about him is through his posts as Flukeyou on LISK.com (I’ve read 100s of  them) and what others tell me or have commented about him. But as I have said before this all leads back to him… but it isn’t that simple and I would love to hear Joey’s side of this, so what do you say Joey?  Send me an email: zerodinh@rocketmail.com

I know it’s a long shot but I have kept all my private conversations that, PRIVATE. And there are things you could set me straight on, so…  we’ll leave it there.

So back to this blog, by the time all 3 parts of “Catfish & Serial Killers” was written I still wanted to write a separate blog about MM7, LISK.com, and all the commenters, but the title would not fit because there was just so much more going on there then I first suspected. I needed a new name, I decided on The Long Island Serial Killer & The Internet. Which I was never totally happy with but thought it fit and would do.

You may have noticed I kept MM7vsLISK.com as the http address for this blog, at first that was because I didn’t know how to change it, but in the long run I decided to leave it because it still had meaning in the blog. And lately all the sides have seemed to once again divide on to 2 sides. But with MM7’s blog now gone, and in fact MM7 no longer existing there is not much more for me to go with the whole MM7 vs LISK. It is not there at the moment. DPH and MM7 (I guess I should write CKB) are taking it off the blogs and into fully proving CPH’s involvement and the connection to DPH’s estranged husband. And I have told them I hope they do, because no one else can.

This blog how ever will remain and I’m sure comments will continue, though most stopped a long time ago. As with MM7’s blog and LISK.com it’s the comments that say everything. And again anyone can contact me through above email and Facebook. And my other blog is just about to pick up where this one is leaving off. Because this type of thing happens every day.

Disclaimer #2


If you have not read the first disclaimer, I would suggest that you do before reading this blog.  And just to add to it as I move this blog onward:

I am not involved in the Long Island Killer Case, I am not involved with anyone associated with it, Long Island, or  Florida.  I only felt something was wrong with the posts and comments being left on LISK.com. Which led me to MM7’s blog and all sorts of other internet connections. Blah, blah, blah, I’ve explained my interest in this and my blog many times already.

Just remember this blog largely deals in heresay. Things I’ve read, things others tell me. Some things are said to be facts, and some may be, but I have not seen much proof nor have I asked for it. Through out most of this I have seen many different sides and all are questionable. But since this deals with real people, real tragedy, please do not take anything written here by ANYONE as gospel. Look for proper information from proper places. And of course any one with information on any crimes from bullying to  cyber-stalking to abuse to human trafficking to murder and anything in between, PLEASE report everything to the proper authorities.



Originally there were 19 posts. Then 4 disappeared. Now 3 have returned. Oh Discordia! What is going on with this blog?

Well, as I have said before, my take on LISK.com and the motives of those commenting on it changed daily. This is because of the constant comments left here and on MM7’s blog. Then I tried to get some answers through emails and Facebook… now it seems like I change my mind hourly. Because of this I started deleting some things, and then I was ready to stop the blog all together. I’ll try to explain better. I emphasise on TRY.

The reason I started this blog was to show how the stuff being written on LISK.com and MM7’s “Catching LISK” was more than sleuthing… more than disagreements… more than trolls. What was going on, was an elaborate game, being played by more than one player. And in simplest terms I felt I had proven that to myself and probably would never be able to prove it to anyone on here, so what was the point, might as well end this thing. And if you read the last 2 blogs you could see I was definitely heading for an ending to this thing. Then I watched the movie “Seven Psychopaths“, if you haven’t seen it check it out, it’s pretty good. Without giving away to much of the movie, the 7 psychopaths mentioned in the title are brought together randomly to fit the story, some are connected, some come in by chance, and some might not even be real.

Any ways, this started me thinking about all the comments being left, before my blog I kinda thought most of the games were being played by 1 or 2 people or at least people who were connected to each other or to this case. And I still believe this to be true, but then I started realizing that there were some random trolls/sleuthers playing their part in this game. And the movie started me wondering maybe some random psychopaths are involved as well.

What I mean is this, there has been lots of comments that the LISK is amongst these screen names. That the killer or killers frequents these sites, maybe even creates some of them, to be involved in the sleuthing as well as stalk and mess with those out there who might be too close in their sleuthing. And as crazy as this sounds I don’t think this is impossible. But the movie got me thinking, that sites like these can attract others… random psychos. That was even easier to believe really.

So I admit I got a little freaked out… not for me, but for those involved that my blogs might endanger. I mean there was a lot of BS (that is not my POI)  maybe coming from sock-puppets, or trolls, or LISK, or just some random crazy person lurking in. I did not want my meddling blog to be the reason some crazy person went over the edge.

So I started removing posts. I decided I was done with this game and no ending was needed for the blog.

But the comments kept coming, so I made a fake Facebook and dug deeper.

I made a  Facebook because I wanted to communicate with the different Facebook pages involved with this.  The first Facebook person to accept my “Friend Request” did not go so well.  I said who I was and why I was bothering them on Facebook (I really did have a good reason) and got no reply, but the next day this Facebook Page was gone. Wow, I looked like a stalker.

So I decided again, I’m done with this, this just really has nothing to do with me. But the comments kept coming. Why do you come here when I accuse so many of you of playing games and have stated many times that neither side, or actually NONE of the sides are playing fair, nor being totally truthful.  But you did, so I  got more involved.

I have sent out emails, some returned some not. Most who I corresponded with had close to the same thing to say. But there was some differences, and there was still some dishonesty about who is who going on. So I went back to the Facebook page.

So I went to someone I had been exchanging emails with just to see if they were who they said they were. And yes, the Facebook Page I contacted was theirs. So here was one more person I was pretty sure was who they said they were. But after a few IMs they wanted to know more of who I really was since I now knew they were who they were. So I brought up Vegas and a few things about me, and they asked me if I was someone. A distinct name.  A name of someone in Vegas I knew.

WTF? Once again I freaked out a little. At first I thought, OMG I look like a stalker again, but they had come to my blog, right. Were they stalking me? The name they brought up was someone I had not seen in a few years so I realized, this was just another coincidence, even on the outer edges of this case strange coincidences could be found. So we knew someone mutually. I knew they were real, and now they knew who I was as well. And I got a lot of info from this person, most of it was stuff I had heard from others, but now this pattern was showing. And what have I learned… a lot.

Again, most of the info from emails etc. came from people I know are involved in this case, some closer than others,  and I will continue to not bring any of their identities up.  Since I myself made a fake  Facebook page to talk to people, I can understand why some people don’t want to be mentioned. Also I have received almost no emails back from the screen names that I think are trolls or sock-puppets or whatever you want to call them. The ones with diarrhea of the comment and like to change their screen names. I have sent a few out to them and have had no reply, probably cause they do not check their fake emails.

So what have I learned… pretty much what I have suspected. Games. And I could go on about why I thought some of you are playing them, but it would prove nothing. And since it has been going on for so long, I’m not sure which ones of you truly think you are helping, which ones of you are purposely hurting, and which ones of you are random psychopaths picked up by this rolling snowball.

But I will say this, Mari probably has no idea who zero (me) is, but she does know some of you, and it seems to me at least, Mari is the one being hurt by all this. Misinformation, misdirection, repeated BS! Mari and her family, as well as all the other victims families need answers, not games. So I hope ALL of you, but especially the ones actually involved in this case one way or another, can at least see that, and be more careful about what you are doing.

As for me and this blog… I am a stranger to this case and those involved in it so I don’t have half the info on this case as most of you and could not add much to the sleuthing. So I will move on but  still keep checking back in hopes this case is solved soon.  Today the comments here have finally calmed down so maybe you will all move on as well. But if not… I’ll still be here, I don’t know how much any of you actually read my blog anyway, like with LISK.com it’s all about the comments.

Oh and anyone wanting to chat about any of this, but not in the public forum, can  send me and email at zerodinh@rocketmail.com



So who is Truthspider? This was posted on LISK.com October 2011:

GQ Magazine UK Article About The Long Island Serial Killer Case

The article is informative yet it also contains this entertaining twist;

Remember the movie “Dinner For Schmucks” where the corporate execs bring these people who they know are idiots together for a dinner party where the idiots have no clue they are being made fun of? Well this GQ magazine article features real life “Idiots” who agreed to be interviewed for the article because they thought that GQ seriously was interested in their so called “Expertise”.

I don’t know which idiot I find to be the most pathetic. It’s either the two self-declared superheroes “Zero” and “Shade” in their full body uniforms or the poor weasel amateur detective from Long Island named Brendan Murphy who is driving around the beach in his bullet proof van spying on the residents with the van’s built in periscope!!!!

These idiots are really entertaining. Sick part is, not one of them realized that they were being made a mockery of when they agreed to the interviews and photo shoots?

Now here is the really sick part- I joined that website Websleuths.com to view the posts made by Brendan Murphy as he mentions in the GQ article. I have identified him as having the username “TRUTHSPIDER” on that website. Sick thing is, this guy is OBSESSED with Dr. Charles Peter Hackett. He is so obsessed with the doctor that his avatar photo on Websleuths is a picture of the doc. I also found numerous discussions where this guy Brendan “Truthspider” Murphy (if that is even his real name) has posted all sorts of fake information about Dr. Hackett. It’s almost as if he is trying to frame Dr. Hackett for Shannan Gilbert’s disappearance as well as all of the LISK murders.

Even crazier, in that GQ magazine article and on Websleuths, Brendan Truthspider Murphy admits that he has strong ties to law enforcement and a thorough knowledge of law enforcement because his dad is a former prosecutor for the district attorney’s office and has very much political pull because he now works for one of the largest law firms on Long Island. Likewise, Brendan Murphy admits that he has a thorough knowledge of Gilgo, Oak Beach and the entire Jones Island area from Jones beach to Robert Moses because his grandfather built over 80 homes there and Brendan was involved his whole childhood with constructing docks and bridges.

The article talks about the former drug enforcement agency van that he purchased. It’s bullet proof, sound proof, has a battery well and a dry ice pellet air conditioning system as well as a periscope. Sounds to me like it’s the perfect crime scene on wheels. He can abduct someone and park that van anywhere to murder someone without anyone on the outside knowing what’s going on or having the ability to stop him. And since it looks like a law enforcement vehicle and since he portrays himself as an “amateur detective” who is hot on this case, he can easily pretend he is law enforcement without anyone thinking otherwise.

At the very least, someone had better alert the authorities or Dr. Hackett’s family to be on the lookout for this stalker and his 1989 Ford Econoline van. This person clearly has something wrong with him. just look at how he is holding his hands in that photo in the magazine. it’s as if the GQ magazine editors are sending a message to all of us that they keyed in on this character for a reason.

Submitted through email by: Lance

When I read this post the first thing I thought was, SOME ONE ELSE CALLED ZERO?

So let me just state now, I am not this Zero.


And now that I just went and read this article in GQ (link above), I again want to say, I am not that Zero.

I also wonder who ” William Wallace” is. The article says he is (or was, the article is from November 2011) a poster on LISK.com, but unfortunately I have never seen any post or comments by this Screen Name, but it seems we do have our Truthspider, at least that’s what was portrayed on LISK.com, with the Screen Name  “Brendan”  posting there. But as we have seen and will see, any one can be anyone on LISK.com.

For now let’s assume that  the SN Brendan on LISK.com is also Truthspider and he is the guy interviewed in this GQ article, or if not Brendan then maybe John as was recently posted on MM7’s blog.

Margaret      Sherick says:

February 20, 2013 at 8:57 pm  and by the way all you dumb asses wasting your time writing useless shit on this blog, Truthspider is not Brendan Murphy. TRUTHSPIDER IS JOHN MURPHY. His dad is DANIEL J BYRNES, a NYS SUPREME COURT LAW CLERK for a judge in the Riverhead Supreme court. His brother, MICHAEL MURPHY was a LIFE GUARD for many years before he joined the Navy. JOSEPH SCALISE (FLUKEYOU) is the DIRECTOR OF LIFEGUARDS for long Island. That is how FLUKEYOU and TRUTHSPIDER have a connection.



Now go back to whatever useless shit it is that you old farts do and also stop writing about AMANDA!!!

So maybe Flukeyou and Truthspider aren’t the same, but two guys who joined together to help solve this, one a sleuther/private detective with a SUPER SCOOBY VAN and the other, a resident from the Oak Beach community who knew a lot about other’s who lived in it. This would make Flukeyou the very person that many have been hinting at for a long time… Joey Scalise.

Too Close To Home


its ok for brendan to call me a twit. its ok for fluke to accuse his neighbors falsely. if i point out a lie – I am argumentive.

it is MY OPINION that flukeyou is – at the very least – involved in this case. MY OPINION that FLUKEYOU is deliberately misleading readers. that is not an attack – it is my opinion.

i would still like to hear ONE THING that i was wrong about. and a shred of evidence to support any of the claims that flukeyou has stated as FACT.

but this will most likely be deleted.

too close to home on March 6th, 2012 at 7:56 am

Too Close To Home strongly disagreed with Flukeyou, and the two of them would argue back and forth through comments, Flukeyou commenting on his belief the Doc was guilty and Too Close commenting that Fluke was trying to frame the Doc.  So who was this Too Close To Home who had his own inside info and was coming after the Fluke? Flukeyou had some ideas:

To close to “canning”

Flukeyou on June 28th, 2011 at 8:04 pm

This seems to imply that Flukeyou thinks Too Close might be one of his neighbors he has placed at the Brewer house in earlier comments. But Too Close say’s no:

flukyou – nope…is paranoia setting in yet?

I do not live at OB, although it was my stomping grounds of yesteryear. I have met some of the people that flukyou has mentioned , but do not “know” them. I still have some ties to the community and know the basic geographical layout, however, some houses are newer, so some minor changes. I have been reading this site for a long time: my only goal to help in anyway to catch this creep. I only post if I know a fact to be true..or to answer any questions that I can. I know that there are a few intelligent minds here.. the vector control ditches were not excavated until March and the one that flukyou speaks of near the Dr.s house was done in May. they were done becasue they were inaccessible – you couldn’t get to them to treat them for mosquito population. The video cameras are on a loop that tapes over itself. there is ONE shed, located in a small park behind the mailboxes. it doesn’t have a lock and is used to store seasonal decorations and some basketballs, etc.. stuff for the park. everyone has access to it. flukyou has a better knowledge because he lives there – but – definately is manipulating truths…and that is making me look a lot harder at him..there are more reasons to look at him, and im hoping LE picks up on it..dont want to say too much because if LE is on at least one toe (doubtful) they will..

too close to home on June 29th, 2011 at 8:22 am

And what else did Too Close have to say:

omg! I just thought of something…flukyou grew up at OB and West Islip..attended W.Islip schools. JB grew up in W. Islip – same age group(40′s) – flukyou was a mate at captree in his 20′s… worked in the city… but the bigger question, the one that s got my wheels turning.. is WHY? WHY take truths and weave tales.. why point so many fingers? why all of a sudden? where was flukyou for the last 13months if he knew so much? and why did we not hear of him getting that reward money?

too close to home on June 29th, 2011 at 8:37 am

Too Close had an eye on Fluke and at one point seemed to have caught him in “Sock Puppetry“. On Feb. 8th of 2012 Flukeyou posted 2 comments in a row, in a post made by JENNY:


just another post to say f#$% the poster calling themself Brendan with a capital B, they aren’t me. I have followed what you have said and watched since May how many of the things you stated about this case later become public knowledge. This makes you credible, unlike the others in this wasteland of garbage information.

Flukeyou on February 8th, 2012 at 7:46 pm


I stand behind Fluke all the way. 2c2h really seems to be hiding something and every time Flukeyou points this out he goes nuts! Stay strong Fluke.

Salty is right on —- 2 close has a lot of info that he’s not sharing with LE in order to protect his gang buddies

Flukeyou on February 8th, 2012 at 7:56 pm

Too Close To Home saw these and thought they caught Fluke forgetting to change his Screen Name before sending these comments to himself:


just another post to say f#$% the poster calling themself Brendan with a capital B, they aren’t me. I have followed what you have said and watched since May how many of the things you stated about this case later become public knowledge. This makes you credible, unlike the others in this wasteland of garbage information.

Flukeyou on February 8th, 2012 at 7:46 pm

look – fluke forgot to change his name when commenting to himself. not the first time.

too close to home on March 1st, 2012 at 11:22 am

Too Close reposted Fluke’s comment to show everyone. And I have to admit it looks to me like someone pretending to be someone eles talking to him. This seems to be a perfect example of a Sock Puppet… so who was this comment suppose to be from?

Brendan would soon after reply to Too Close:

@too close, that was fluke retweeting my post to him, we are not the same, smh twit

brendan on March 2nd, 2012 at 7:47 am

A good explanation, but I’m not sure I buy it, and I’m pretty sure Too Close didn’t ither. For one, Flukeyou never says in the comments “this is a tweet from Brendan” or anything like that to explain his posted comments, and I would think he would have wanted to state that he was posting something tweeted to him, if only to stop such confusion. Is it me or did we just find at least one of these Sock Puppets? Was and is Truthspider and Flukeyou one and the same? Well TruthSpider was already known to be Brendan Murphy, an amateur detective from Long Island who had been interviewed for an article in GQ Magazine, but Too Close and others would hint at Flukeyou being someone else. An Oak Beach resident named Joey Scalise. So if Flukeyou was Truthspider who were they? Brendan or Joey?