
My Opinion


As this blog comes to an end, what are we left with? Basically just my opinion on some people who went from sleuthing to slandering. At times that opinion has changed. And even though I got lots of info from articles and people’s emails and comments, it still just boils down to “My Opinion”. Half the stuff people told me, others said just the opposite, so I had to decide what to believe and what not to belive. Some may value my opinion on some of this, some may not, but for what ever reason you came here to read my opinion and I gave it.

Like I said, it changed a little at times, but when I go back and reread what I have written I think most of it holds true to the same basic belief. What is that belief? That several people were involved in some sort of game with the LISK case. That some of them did it to gain some kind of attention in the limelight. Others played back, some with good intentions, some probably not so good. At the core of some of these people is a feeling that they were wronged in life, Joey, by his neighbors who tried to out him and his family from the Oak Beach community, Nancy and Dorothy, by their ex husbands and the legal system, you get the idea. So they used this tragedy to get even and to get noticed.

Again, this is just my opinion after looking into all of you over the past year, just like some of you have looked into me and formed opinions as well. Which is fine, and if anyone cares to hear about your opinions on me, by all means tell them. Hell, write a blog about it. But remember, I wrote this blog because I felt it was wrong for people to use this tragedy for their own agendas and games, and I think most who read here would agree with that.

I have said over and over that it was not my intention to sleuth the case, but my opinions on the case can still be seen throughout this blog. Again though, just opinions. I’m not LE. I do not have the info that they have. I don’t even have the info most of you have.

Still I did not just jump in line with anything anyone was throwing out there or trying to lead me to along the way. I just kept reading and well, writing. This made some of you not like me to much at certain times (like if I didn’t agree with the proper agenda) and other times I was a hero! Truth is I was just giving my opinion on what I witnessed. On what I read. On what I saw. On what I thought.

I wish I could just post every email correspondence I have with everyone, it would then be a lot easier to not only understand my opinion, but maybe see how I came to some of it. But that just isn’t possible. I understand why some would not want me to post their emails or bring their names into this. Some are just LISK.com readers… others, well you know who you are and what we have talked about and most of you have told me  a lot of my opinions are spot on. Would I love to post those emails? Of course I would, and since some of you love saying I put all my emails up on the blog, I sometimes think I should.

Don’t get nervous, I’m not doing it. But again, those I have talked to know what we have talked about.

There is still plenty of other things I can post here, to show why I have the opinions I do about all of this. Some of this stuff you may have already seen or read, most of it was given to me by one of you, the readers and the subjects of this blog. Pretty much the same demographics, right?

Let’s start with the newest link I was given. It’s the YouTube interviews with Richard Dormer. There are quite a few of them but I think they are worth watching. For those who strongly criticized LE as either dropping the ball on this case or covering things up, this may help show, as I believe, that LE is and has always taken this case very seriously and there for have looked into every lead and everyone possibly connected to this case. Or it may not change your view at all, but I still recommend watching all of them:








I just watched these yesterday, and there is stuff in here I wouldn’t mind discussing, pros and cons, so if anyone else who has watched them feels the same, let me know in the comments.

Of course most of what I wrote about took place on Longislandserialkiller.com. Here’s a couple threads to start with, but you can look around to see what you can find there. Since the site is down I could not find every post, but a lot is still there:



Here’s some things to watch and read if you have not yet:








And then there are the things I was sent or found because of leading comments on my blogs, I think most who read here understand how some of these screen names involved in this over the years love to post stuff to lead you places. Is any of it connected? Maybe. But again I’m sure LE looks into any connections brought up at this point. So I’m not about to make guesses on things I could not possibly know. Sorry if this list of links is long or mixed up. I have a lot of these and I’m not gonna post links to all of them, but here’s a taste:



















There is actually a lot more, but I think we’ll stop there. The last three links are suicides that I know some find questionable or possibly linked to the Gilgo Beach Murders. Again I have no information on things like this and can only read them and wonder myself.

Same goes for possible connection to other places like Atlantic City, Florida or New Mexico. Florida pops up again and again in things I have read. Some I have mentioned in this blog. Victims in the LISK case, bloggers, writers, POIs, etc. There are quite a few linked to all of this who live or have lived in Florida, but I have found nothing that actually connects Florida in any way but coincidence. But who knows? Until truth is known and the case is solved all possibilities are just that, possibilities. Another possibilty is a conection to the Atlantic City Murders. I didn’t know anything about the Atlantic City Murders tell I read about the Facebook pages that were made and seemed to connect them to the Gilgo Beach victims. Since then I have read quite a bit about the murders in Atlantic City, and until both cases are solved I guess it will continue to be, as many believe, possibly connected.










And what about New Mexico?


There is so much out there so of course people will have opinions about what is connected and what isn’t.  I get that. We all get that, right? But what got me blogging my opinions, was that some people out there claimed to be working on more than opinion. Those of you who claim to know things, who write as if they are the victims and the heroes all in one, here is my final opinion for you. Your so-called knowledge should be questioned by everyone. The real connections are between those who passed around misinformation and played games with other people’s tragedies. And I think you know who those people are, in my opinion.

Looking Back


I started reading back over this blog in preparation for my final posts here. The blog itself is separated in three parts. The first part I was really trying to just figure out all the screen names and real names. In March of 2013 in one of my first posts I discussed trolls and sock-puppets:

So, they are close to the same thing, the general difference being, the reason they do it.  A sock puppet has motives behind what they do, while trolls just like to mess with people. At least that’s how I read it.

And to me I see reason to believe both were/are going on here. The hard part is deciphering between the 2. One or more of these posters are very good at what they do. It is almost impossible to know who is who. There are some ways, which we will later discus, to connect them however.  But now that sites and posts are disappearing it is a little harder to do.  It’s a Riddle Wrapped In A Mystery Inside An Enigma.  Shall we get started?

And for some of the name game, it is still a puzzle to me. But I now think less troll activity was involved than I originally thought. At least not just random trollness. All the many screen names aside, the many “real” names thrown out in comments and posts were sometimes just as confusing to me. As I tried to explain in a post in April of 2013:

So what I’m getting at is, even though all these names have been “leaked”, I have no proof that any of these names are real or at least really anyone involved in these posts.

So I will use them when needed, after all they have already been thrown out there, and not by me. But I am not trying to endanger anyone or use names of people who have nothing to do with this, so feel free to ask me to remove anything that you might feel is fraudulent or personal info of yourself that you do not want out there.

I was trying to figure out who everyone was that was being thrown out there, but a lot of times they were just names to me, I had no idea who they really were.

The second part of the blog comes after I have a little better understanding of who is who and focused mainly on trying to figure out game and agenda. In May of 2013 I wrote:

So I’m often asked why I blog about these different screen names and people I know nothing about. And I have answered this many times, but to truly simplify the answer, I’m looking for some kind of conclusion. I know that may not come, but I’ll be here bugging everyone till it does. (don’t quote me on that)

And for the most part at that time I continued to blog about this because I was just looking for some sort of end to the story. The thing that would bring the who’s, what’s, and why’s together. During this time I realized some of this had been going on for a long time and that the game part of this was somewhat connected to the actual LISK case. Flukeyou really was Joey, and he really was a neighbor or Dr. Hackett. That other locals were also behind some of the screen names and that an Oak Beach neighbor dispute not only played out in the comments of LISK.com but had been going on for years and now seemed to have found its way into the LISK case. That many of those involved in the games and agendas had centered themselves right into the actual case. Joey, Dorothy, Jen, Cristin, and quite a few others had spoken to Mari and/or her lawyer as well as others in the LISK case. These games and agendas were not just some internet posts. I realized much more of what was happening was in emails and phone calls, the posts and comments were only a show most of the time. The more people who started commenting on my blog led me to contact with some of these commenters. This second part concludes when I realize that all though I could see there were games being played, and although I could see who some of the players were. I was not going to be able to prove it to any one but myself. No one was coming clean on their own, though Jen and Cristin did help a lot with what they did come out with. Joey and Dorothy have never stopped playing game once on these sites and blogs. And still so many screen names unclaimed. But I felt it was as far as it could go at that point.

During this second part of the blog and while the blog was on pause for a few months, I did continue to share emails with people. Made some contacts on Facebook. Someone told me about the “way back machine” and how it could be used to read old LISK.com posts. The more I knew about people, the real people in this with no agendas other than wanting the truth to come out and some of the games and agendas to be exposed for what they were. The more I read old LISK.com stuff. the more I felt the blog was incomplete. LISK.com and Catching LISK were both gone by this time but I still felt something could be learned by looking closer at both these sites and the people who created them as well as the one person who dominated both places with their agenda, Flukeyou. And that is what I did on the third part of this blog. I dug in deep to the early LISK.com stuff. Spoke with quite a few of the earlier commenters there. Understanding LISK.com, its creator, and what went on there was not quite the big mystery. Most of the people who were part of it had already gone through the whole who is who game, and many knew who each of the others were. So getting behind any LISK.com mysteries went rather quickly once I started in this third time. Leaving me mainly just 2 questions about it, who was PS149 who posted at LISK.com in it’s final days and why did Flukeyou use the site to sensationalize what ever suspicions he had about his doctor neighbor? We may never learn who that PS149 was. And it is probably more important to understand why Fluke did what he did.

And as we all know Fluke continues the accusations of conspiracy and coverup on MM7’s blog “Catching LISK”. It was a little harder to blog about what went on there because I had to go from memory and the few things I had saved from it. But then MM7 sent me access to her blog. I was shocked and even told her I couldn’t understand why she would have sent it to me. But I was glad she did. I was able to continue the blog showing how Flukeyou continued his agenda on Catching LISK.  Of course “Catching LISK” is a lot more difficult to figure out even with the whole blog in front of you. Part is due to commenters like NERD who take the blog for a wild ride and part is due to MM7’s claims of being stalked at least one of these commenters. In this third part of my blog I learned quite a bit more about the creators of the 2 sites I blogged about. I understood more of why these sites were made and why they were taken down. It seemed that this third part to the blog (the final part?) too must come to an end. And that is what I am attempting to now do. But as I look back over my blog and choose my final word for the final posts I feel I must once again say that I stand by this blog and the journey it describes. And I once again ask, that if you are going to judge this blog, please read it in its entirety, see my growth and understanding with each post. Remember this is from an outsiders view with no inside information or knowledge about anything. A lot of the time I am playing catch up with most of you that read and comment here, so you can see my blog through your own eyes and understanding of what went on here (here being my blog and the blogs and sites I wrote about). By reading the entire blog I think you can see clearer the conclusions I came to about LISK.com, Catching LISK, and all those who participated in them. Are they the right ones? You tell me.

I also ask that you bare with me for just a few more posts, and please be patient, I want to be as clear as possible in wrapping this blog up.

Mysterymom7 Has Left The Buillding


So I was gonna leave this till after the holidays, give myself some time to do other things. But reading over MM7’s blog had me going and I left some comments that have struck a nerve. When will I learn?

The comment didn’t surprise me though, because earlier today I got a text on my phone. It was from Cristin. It read:

You lost my help by bringing up Mari. You’re gonna get someone hurt and I want no part in that. I deleted my blog so nobody can get info on anyone else from what was written on my blog or in any comments. There’s still a serial killer there and NOBODY knows who it is. But, hey, you keep giving him info… whether it’s to hurt someone or any case against him by being a step ahead of the “game”

I can’t let this go with out some input. I understand why bringing up Cristin telling me  Mari was behind the poll that included Michael Daughtry’s name on a list of suspects seems wrong. But Let’s not forget Cristin quickly threw it out there when I pointed out some people thought she was behind the blog.  She wrote in comments that Mari was the one behind the blog. I said I doubted that was true also in comment. Then Mari wrote that someone asked her to take it over. It was confusing, but I left it at that. But then Cristin feels the need to tell me that it was Mari all along what am I’m supposed to believe. For all I know Cristin is covering for her self or at the very least her self-preservation at any cost wants me to know she didn’t write the blog. With all the confusion I think many already were questioning who wrote this blog and Mari needs to know what people are obviously already saying behind her back.

Mari, both Jen and Cristin bring you up constantly in emails. Cristin told me she was on the phone with you when I sent you that message on Facebook. I’m pretty sure both of them have  sent me stuff that they tell me was from your “secret group page”. And most of it contains stuff written by you. I will have to do some searching to find these emails, and I don’t want to put them up here but if Mari or John Ray want to message me at:https://www.facebook.com/zerosworld I am happy to forward them any emails that have such screen shots in them. But please do not trust either of them, they are eager to pass on anything you or anyone else has said or written to help further themselves. And I do believe those involved in this game are in it only for themselves, that’s why none of them can come to admit their true parts in this.

Of course if you go by my recent email from Cristin, her part in this has always been working for John Ray:

When it came to the case, I was basically a freelance PI for John Ray when it came to Hackett. Because I truly believe he’s a serial killer, and at the very LEAST, responsible for Shannan’s death. It was never about JS. When I had thoroughly investigated a particular topic of importance (like Beachscapes), I compiled the information and emailed it to John Ray.

She even told me there is a “phantom tape” that she was asked to get for John Ray:

Did you not read what I wrote? I never saw the video, so I wouldn’t know if it was a quote or a sound bite or what. The whole point of sending this info to John Ray was so he could get the unedited video, because I couldn’t. If he was going off that claim (that Hackett said he saw Shannan running sick and distressed), he should see it/hear it himself.

As you can see I was a little confused with what she is trying to tell me. Is there such a tape?

Let me remind everyone Cristin posted court documents from the case she says John Ray had her  helping with. She leaked all sorts of one-sided info from the case to her blog. If she was truly helping John Ray with the case why the need for the blog in the first place? Seems the case should be tried in court and not on her blog. But maybe that’s just me.

So if John Ray was using Cristin to help dig up info on CPH I hope he learned his lesson. All Cristin had to do was see the name Charles in the news and she would just assumed it must be the Doc. As she did in her post about Amanda Byrnes. I had asked her where she got her info that CPH was involved with the Amanda story and she told me that the flyer had said the name ‘Charles” and therefore thought it could be him. Great detective work. She has admitted to posting things without reading them and her PI skills are as bad as her understanding of psychology. I can’t find a place where she admits to posting something she didn’t read, but I believe I have seen her say that about things she posted on LISK.com. I did find a comment where Too Close mentions this. It’s one of those comments MM7 didn’t let through on her blog:

LISL Too Close MM7 blog

No one should be relying on her for information.

All this being said, I will miss Mysterymom7. She was played hard, but reading back over her blog, she may have got what she had coming. People told her they were playing her, she just didn’t let those comments through. In fact she didn’t let a lot of comments through that could have helped others to see the game better. Too Close From Home had made several comments to counter things being written there, but again Cristin just didn’t let those comments through.

I’m a little puzzled to why you let me see all the comments you didn’t let through Cristin, you must have known that I would read them and wonder why you didn’t let them through. Just shows again how you just don’t quite grasp things and again why people need to be careful before they believe anything you “find” using your “detective skills”.

Did she really delete her blog this time? As I always say time will tell. But Cristin don’t be mad at me for being honest about what I have read and been told. You think what I am doing is just as bad or worse than your blog and it might get people hurt. Your blog was based on game and lies and did hurt people. I don’t see my blog that way. So we will just have to agree to disagree. But I will take some time and think about whether to continue on without Joey’s whack pack in tow.

If this is good-bye Cristin, then I’ll leave you with some Eminem lyrics. I’m not sure why so many Eminem lyrics were left on your blog, but I think these fit here:

I guess we are who we are
Headlights shining in the dark night I drive on
Maybe we took this too far

Putting LISK.com To Rest

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Is there more we could learn from LISK.com? Yes, but this would take the site owner to help with the who’s who as well as more screen names coming forward to give their experiance (not talking about sock puppets, real readers with no agendas). But it’s there (some of it at least) if any of you want to search the LISK.com archives and see what can be seen. I put up enough of the comments that I think we understand Fluke’s agenda and how the game began.

It stepped into high gear when Mysterymom7 appeared and started a blog og her own. So we will head there next to see the crap Joey put up using questionable screen names, we’ll get into the 69 IP and a few others that kept Cristin guessing but almost never understanding. We’ll see how the screen names crossed over to my blog once I began. Most of all will ask Cristin some tough questions about what she claimed was fact though she now says was just speculation.

But not till after the holidays. This blog is on vacation. I have to properly end the “red and black” blog, it has been in limbo for way to long. Plus I have something more personal I’m working on, hopefully some of you will follow me there (not you Dorothy).

So, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Go spend it with your family and loved ones. Enjoy them. Remember all of those who are no longer with us this holiday season and celebrate with those who are.

Who Is PS149?

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That’s one of the few newer LISK.com threads I can find. But it is right around when I started reading there. Going back and rereading these comments I see them a lot different the second time.  Sorry to drag it back out Linda, but honestly, knowing you now, knowing what was going on better, I don’t see your comments as so harsh. What they were doing was unforgivable. Hopefully these games did not hurt the case in the long run and LE will solve these murders. I do not live there so it is not as personal as it is for all of you, I see that now, back then I did not see that. And what Flukeyou and MM7 were doing here was again, unforgivable.

I put this up not to see more BS Fluke was peddling, or how MM7 was buying it and helping to spread it, or that emotions were high and things were getting ugly (all that’s just a repeat of what had been going on all along). I put this up to take a closer look at exactly what PS149 was saying. With all the fake ones on mine and MM7’s blog it’s easy to forget what the real PS149 was saying.

And in my opinion they were just trying to expose Joey, much like Too Close and a few others. They don’t seem to care about what you have to say too much Cristin, they just thought you sounded crazy, and you have told me that you yourself know you sounded this way. So they were never the enemy you made them and definitely not CPH. I had once thought it was Jen, but this is because of all the fake PS149s. Sorry Jen, I can see this is not you. Probably owe a bigger apology to PS149.

So as I see it, PS149, the real one, was not a part of the game. Just someone trying to help expose it. I guess they are from websleuth and are still there so any of you who still go there feel free to tell them I said thank you and to answer their email.

I had had a couple comments on my blog that I had forgoteen about. Here they are:

LISK PS149 zero

This came from a seperate email and IP address then all other “PS149” posts, and at the time I thought it might be the real one. Now that I have access to MM7’s old blog (thank you Cristin) I was able to search that Ip address and Email address through the hundreds of comments (man there are so many) and it only came back with one:

LISK PS149 MM7 blog

My point to all this? Not much other than to say I do not think the real PS149 was involved in this game Fluke and the others were playing. It wasn’t Jen or Dorothy or Cristin or Joey. I don’t even think it was Micheal D. as some want me to believe (remember the confession left in this blogs comments? It was left in my ” For PS149″ post: https://liskdotcom.wordpress.com/2013/06/03/for-ps149/.

Whoever it was knew Joey for what he is and helped expose it. Again, thanks PS149.




This is also around the same time as the others, summer of 2011. And the comments just once again continue the understanding of Fluke’s agenda. You could see a lot of people were not buying it.  I particularly like what Fascinated said:

LISK Fascinated Fluke

There are lots more telling comments here. You can read them for yourself. Reread them if you were there in 2011. Hindsight helps see things better.

So I rest my case on old LISK.com stuff. Was Fluke fishing for others to help his agenda against his neighbors? Did he use sock puppets to get others on this site confused and arguing amongst each other?  Did he use misinformation to mislead people reading? I say yes to all of these and he had help.

Did those against him also make sock puppets? I say yes to that as well. And it all got confusing quick and with every one who got tired of it and left another was sucked in. I’m one of those as well. But what more can we say about Fluke’s agenda? He won’t come here other than to back up Dorothy… that won’t help. If any one reading this still can’t see Flukeyou for what he has done, and how nothing he has said has been backed up by truth. If you can’t see how he has a vendetta against his neighbors. If you can’t see it all comes back to him, Flukeyou aka Joey Scalice Jr. Well, nothing more I can say will help you.

But I’ll try any ways.

John Doe


LISK John Doe

I mentioned John Doe before. Someone who made a Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/JohnDoeGilgoOakBeachCase, and like Dorothy loves to post on  Shannan’s memory page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Praying-for-Shannan-Maria-Gilbert/168485149857128

Their comments are usually questions like, “who is that in the picture next to Shannan” or “what kind of music did Shannan listen to?” Some questions seem harmless but others are a little bizarre. In other words they fit right into all the screen names and games.

I wrote about him because Dorothy had said they were the killer. Since then they have written on my “Zero’s World” Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/zerosworld

Go check it out, especially if you want to see how I answered his question above as well as his criticism of this blog and those on it.

But I’m also gonna address some of that right here.

Many may feel what I am blogging about here is just “drama” and “hoopla”, like I’m just feeding the circus. And some of it like my little skit to poke at Junior is in a way. But to insist that it is pointless or that it has nothing to do with the case is wrong.

These screen names and sites I blog about started right when the first bodies were discovered.  No actually it started when someone claiming to be Dr. Hackett (maybe the Doc himself) called Mari. That is where this starts. It goes on to many places and people and may be confusing but there is substance behind all of this. This game did not go on for this many years consuming so many people including Mari and Oak Beach neighbors and not have meaning or purpose.

I am not here to make friends, solve cases, or help agendas. I started this to show everyone what it looked like to an outsider reading about the case. Then, after so many contacted me, I started contacting others.  And I now think there might be more to all of this then a “neighborhood dispute”.  Again too many people are involved in this.

But no one has to email me or read my blog. I understand.

I don’t know if Junior or the Doc killed anyone. I hope not. Because then the “danger” some of you claim to be in is real. But if you look at John Doe’s beliefs on my blog and those it’s about (and to be fair, many think this way, I know people are saying not to read my blog because it is confusing and about nothing really to do with the case, not a correct view in my opinion, but I understand it) then no one is in danger and the people in my blog are all just full of sh*t (funny, this is kind of the point I first was trying to make, no?).

My point, if you still can’t see it, is whether everyone from LISK.com was full of sh*t or if there is connection to Shannan’s disappearance and any of the Oak Beach residences my blog still has merit.  I believe figuring out the true connections of Joey, Jen, Cristin, Dorothy, Mike and the many others that have been involved not only with this case, but with each other, is important for this case to move on. It may not be needed because it is what LE are doing and who they are looking into that will bring justice as needed and help you all to feel safe again. Until that happens though, those who are a part of  LISK.com and continue to claim they know what happened to Shannan or who the LISK is are a part of this and need to be looked at closer. I have my reasons to believe this. But you’d have to read my blog  to realize that. Many like to just jump in and out from time to time and that’s fine.

Judge me, I don’t mind. Read or  don’t read, comment or don’t comment, email me or don’t.  As I said before, time will tell who is involved here and who is not. But I will continue to push at those I feel need to “put up or shut up”. Help this case like you claim you want to or be exposed for the games you are playing.

Flukeyou a.k.a. Joey a.k.a. Junior


LISK Fluke1

Here is Fluke trying to sell his “killer on site” ideas to Linda. She was much to smart to buy this. You see it sounds like a great story. But as I mentioned in the last post, there’s no reason to think CPH was ever at LISK.com or at MM7’s blog. There’s no reason to think he was trying to “run interference” or confuse other readers at these sites. Even Cristin finally  came to the realization “today” that CPH was not there. So does any one buy Joey’s stories any more? Dorothy? She does sound like they might be in contact. But I’m beginning to think Dorothy has other reasons for her pretending to buy Joey’s games. We’ll get to that later don’t worry.

Back to Joey. Let me change his question to Linda above just a little: Who is on this site trying to run interference? Joey, it was you:

LISK Flukeyou 1LISK Flukeyou 5LISK Flukeyou 4LISK Flukeyou 3

From the beginning it was you pushing CPH=LISK. It was you calling other commenters CPH. It was you posting over and over misleading and accusing comments about your neighbors. Ideas others would later run with. Do I need to bring up how MM7 fell for the whole Poker playing Newman gag.

It’s always been you. Why? Do you really hold that much hatred for your old neighbors? Or is it more sinister?

It’s my guess if LE hasn’t found anything linking any of you yet, it may mean this all has nothing to do with the murders, but cases can go on a while before enough evidence piles up on someone. So only time and good work by LE (which I am assured is happening) will tell.

But no matter what your reasons for doing this, there’s some kind of screw loose up stairs, right?  I know I’m not the only one who thinks so. But when did it start?

Was it 1996? I think we need to look into what was happening in Oak Beach in 1996 in Juniors life.

Later though, I really must get off this computer for now. I’ll leave you with something someone once wrote to me about Junior:

 He feed BS to Mari cause he knows thats what
he says she wants to hear and know. I understand that. Poor Mari is being
played by a man who either has something to do with this all or a vendetta
toward OB

This didn’t come from LISK.com people either.

A Comment From Fascinated

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As I steer away from LISK.com for a moment and focus on a few specifics, I’d like to leave it with another view from someone who was there:

Just a note from an old timer, the chat room never worked.  It would work for a day and then it would be down for days.  I could never get it to run on my computer.  And I was not the only one.  I think it was only around for a few weeks as I recall.

Another point you bring up, the admin didn’t seem to be around much.  It was like a little side project.  i really think they only checked it once a day.  It was like you would send in an email and the next morning it would show up in the email section where others could comment on it.  And later when people began to complain about the site not moderating comments, you post something and like three hours later it would post.

when all of the screen names got out of hand and someone started posting personal information like Mari Gilbert’s telephone number, the site admin began allowing one of the family members to help moderate the site.  I am guessing this is the same family member who has given you access to the archived site.

Also, the point keeps coming up that people couldn’t see these comments, that the site didn’t go back this far.  Well, the site actually closed down for a little while.  A week or so.  When it came back, all the old stuff was gone.  I walked away just before this happened.  And it helped me quit coming to the site.  All these grown adults acting like children.  People from the webslueths coming over to LISK to push their theories.  Foreigner even accused one of the Atlantic City victims’ husband of being the serial killer.  Hugh Auslander, who is mentioned in the article above.  He started posting on LISK to defend himself.  It was crazy.  Grasping as straws and ruining people’s reputations.  REAL people with REAL lives.  I wanted no part of it.  I could only imagine what CPH was going through.  No matter what he did or didn’t do, he and his whole family become cannon fodder for the armchair detective army.  Nevermind all the so called “facts” being spewed by Flukeyou aka JS jr.

I wanted to solve a puzzle not crucify innocent people.  And all the theories in the world will not solve this puzzle.  It needs pieces that fit.  And that takes evidence.  Without evidence there is nothing but speculation.  We had not right to convict someone of a crime with nothing more than speculation in the court of public opinion.  If I had been CPH I would have sued the owner of the LISK website for libel and negligence.

As for my theory of what the LISK was created for, it seems I read a statement either in an interview or in the comments somewhere.  They wanted ownership of the domain name so when the killer was caught they could sell the site and make some money.  When the site was first created they were selling T-Shirts.  It was always about profit.  All the drama going on with the people who posted there increased the potential bottom line.  Every hit was a number they could use to attract advertisers.  So they could sell the site for more money.  It was a side business while they did their day job.

I don’t know for sure who actually owned the site but I have some theories.  And there were people who I spoke to off line who claimed to have personal ties and influence with the site owner.  Claimed to have known them all their lives.  So either that person was the site owner or was a relative.  I’m guessing brother and sister, or childhood BFF.

Where Do We Go From Here?


So I have read my fill at old LISK.com and reread some of the stuff from when I first got there earlier this year. I get it. Flukeyou pulled some people in and they shared screen names and misinformation. Remember early on we have Fieldnotes and Truthspider as well. The tree starts there, well somewhere Jen and Susie are there as well. (Remember Susie) All of these connect to Mari, some have met her and are helping her others are from Facebook and wanting to help. Who was there to actually help and who was there for other reasons I do not know for sure, but hindsight sure does help us see a few things.  I realize the fact that the phone call that was made to Mari from the doctor and his denial of it  plays a key role in all of this early on. And so does 48 hours, where a lot of us got the same story about the doctor. Before I ever came to LISK.com I was like who is this doctor and what does he know? And with LISK.com here is Fluke to put a personal touch on all the questions people had about the doc. And he had fake screen names and maybe a few of the already mentioned names to help spread his knowledge of the Doc and many other neighbors. And early on we have people, neighbors of Fluke and the Doc maybe, but definitely people with reason to doubt Flukes stories. And they start in trying to defluke him and also maybe figure out why he is saying some of the things he is. So here we have 2 sides of at least a few people using the sites lack of screen name security and a game begins.

Then there are the other readers here, having to figure out who is who and what their agenda is. Some of them pick sides. But the game gets really out there and many leave for different reasons. But the core remains, and when MM7 get’s  involved it really gets crazy. (I’m not sure how long DPH was involved or who put who in touch, but she was in there somewhere “helping”)

So MM7 has her reasons to think it’s the Doc long before her involvement with anyone I have mentioned above. So did I, as I mentioned above.

But watching 48 hours and reading news stories had quite a few people looking suspicious. The john, the driver, the doctor. Yes some suspicious people, how could they all be cleared? I, like many thought these things when we saw or read what was being said about this case. But after her getting involved with Flukeyou and working the case with Jen and Dorothy she knew 99.9% the doc was the killer, and because of that he was stalking her.

All very dramatic, but also very suspicious.

Some of the  gamers splinter, some question other’s motives. A lot of it comes to a head due to Joey not telling Cristin about his new baby? But this is just part of the onslaught of things  now being posted in the dying days of LISK.com.

The addition of PS149 on LISK.com helped speed this up, but Too Close had been there from the beginning trying to keep the madness Fluke and company were creating from spreading. And others like Linda were sick of the constant accusing of anyone who disagreed or found their connections questionable. My blog also came around, one more place for the show to continue. Most people just wanted the game to stop and the case to be brought back to being about the victims, the real ones not those who were victims of themselves. And I am still one of these people by the way.

There is also Websleuth, which because of my email address I can’t get an account there, I heard all the changes came there and made it much harder to become a member specifically because of  involvement of those I have mentioned above.

So back n forth it goes and it continues because the Doc is suspicious. It continues because Joey is just as suspicious. It continues because Dorothy is being used or is quite the wakko. (maybe both) It continues because Jen is either scared or sneaky. (I just can’t figure you out Jen) It continues because Cristin is either scared, played, or quite diabolical. (just my opinion, still not for sure which one applies, maybe a combo of all three)

It continues because none of the information, Joey, Cristin, Dorothy, Jen, or anyone else that was part of the games ever proved anything to anyone. It continues because you all connected and Mari at least must think one of you is hiding something or knows something, I will not speak for her, but if I was her I would be questioning all of you.

This is what I know and I doubt anyone will change my thoughts on any of this. There is still much I don’t know. There is still all the crazy screen names which is a lot more difficult to understand. And I know what I have wrote is just a general idea of what went on. I mean there is a lot more to Fieldnotes involvement in all this and when he tried to back away from it he became a child molester and a LISK suspect, so getting his side of this would be helpful, but it’s understandable why he doesn’t want any part of this any more. I don’t know much about the original Truthspider, Brenden right? Is he still involved in this somewhere? I remember cryptic posts about lifeguards and Fluke and Spider being friends.  Still so much cryptic stuff out there, which is startling when you put it up against the ongoing case and the cryptic parts of it.

Was an Oak Beach resident involved in any of murders? If so was it someone posting on LISK.com? We won’t know these answers till the case is solved. But Joey sure convinced a few people that there is something to doc putting himself into the middle of the case, unfortunately or maybe fortunately doing so also put him questionably “in the middle of the case”.

But where do I go from here with this blog?

I will post the remaining 200+ comments for those interested in reading the rest of them, though other then some virus talk, it’s a lot of the same thing. There are a few other posts with comments that I might put up here, again for those interested in reading them.

But really from here the only place to go is to continue focusing on those I know were involved here and I believe could be a little more light shedding if they wanted to be. We know who they all are, I can’t keep going over and over the things they want to keep circling around, I need to help push forward.

So let’s all enjoy our Thanksgiving and then I’ll focus in on Joey and his gang.

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